Chelsea Renee  Womb Embodiment Coach

Womb Healer • Tarot Witch • Sound Alchemist • Plant Medicine Mystic • Psychic Medium • Quantum Bridger • Dark Feminine Guide

 Anchoring Feminine Flow + Leading you into Aligned Masculine Action

Welcome 🤍

Chelsea Nicholson

Womb Embodiment Coach

Embracing femininity is a unique and personal journey, one that involves exploring and expressing the qualities traditionally associated with “being feminine”.

This can be nurturing, empathy, sensitivity, gentleness, and intuition, among others.

However, it's crucial to remember that femininity is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it varies greatly across different cultures and individual perspectives. It's about finding what resonates with you personally and expressing that in your own authentic way.

I am here to help you cultivate a more traditionally feminine presence, starting with exploring areas of self-expression, communication, self-reflection and personal growth activities that align with feminine energy.

This could involve cultivating creativity through 1:1 calls or in persons using healing modalities, connecting with nature, or practicing self-care rituals that make you feel nurtured and at peace.

Remember, the goal is not to fit into a narrowly defined box of what it means to be feminine but to explore and express the aspects of femininity that feel true to who you are. Embracing your unique version of femininity is a powerful act of self-love and authenticity.

Coaching for feminine surrender is a deeply transformative journey, both for myself and my soul tribe.

It's a path that requires sensitivity, understanding, and a profound respect for the individual's process of unfolding.

Feminine surrender, in this context, is about embracing vulnerability, intuition, and the intrinsic power that lies within letting go of control. This approach to coaching aims to guide you toward a deeper connection with your deep authentic self, fostering a sense of peace, empowerment, and alignment with your inner truth.

The process begins with creating a safe and supportive environment where the individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

This involves active listening, empathetic engagement, and the gentle encouragement of self-exploration.

It's crucial to me that I approach each session without judgment, allowing you to express their fears, desires, and dreams openly. Through various techniques such as mindfulness practices & reflective exercises, I can help you peel away layers of societal conditioning and self-imposed limitations, revealing the vibrant, unguarded essence beneath.

Over the course of a year, this journey will lead you to significant transformations.

You will find yourself more in tune with your emotions, more confident in your decisions, and more at peace with the ebb and flow of life.

As your coach, it's essential that I assist to adapt your methods to your evolving needs, ensuring you are on the way to feel empowered when reclaiming your power in a way that feels authentic to YOU.

My goal of coaching for feminine surrender is not to create dependency but to foster independence, resilience, and a deep-seated belief in one's own wisdom and strength.

I am guiding you to believe in yourself the way I believe in you.

Coaching deep feminine embodiment is a transformative journey that taps into the profound layers of your feminine energy, intuition, and wisdom.

This process is not just about physical presence; it's an intricate dance of aligning mind, body, and spirit to unlock the full potential of one's feminine essence.

By fostering an environment of trust, vulnerability, and openness, I am guiding you through the exploration of your inner landscapes, encouraging the discovery and expression of your authentic self.

Deep feminine embodiment coaching with me encompasses a variety of practices and techniques, including movement, meditation, and breathwork.

Innate ways that are all designed to cultivate a deeper connection with the body's primal knowledge. This is a holistic approach that allows anyone to explore and heal emotional blockages, cultivate self-love, and embrace their power and sensuality. It's about rekindling the sacred relationship with oneself, honoring the body as a temple, and navigating life with grace, strength, and intuition.

The impact of this journey extends far beyond personal transformation. As you embody your femininity more deeply, often my clients have experienced enhanced relationships, creativity, and leadership abilities. They become beacons of change, inspiring others with their authenticity and empowered presence.

In a world that frequently disconnects us from our true selves, deep feminine embodiment coaching offers a pathway back to the essence of who we are, enabling us to live more fulfilling lives and contribute to the collective healing and elevation of the feminine spirit.

I am Chelsea. 


I've felt held and seen. It's confirmed so much of my inner knowing, it's given me confidence in my authenticity and acceptance in myself in all facets. I felt the codes are always divine timing and had big shifts after journeys.

Louise/Fox - Elemental Energy
Journeyed 8 months through the Light + Dark Feminine

It has given me the chance to be more aware of my strengths and my ability to enforce positive boundaries. I am practicing being more vocal, open and true to myself and with others. I dive more into the fears I have to prove to myself that I am capable of what my fears say I am not. I was hesitant but I did share the recording of our zoom session with the person we spoke about throughout the session, and it has changed how we both approach each other - thank you!!

1:1 Reading/Coaching Session

You've been my rock, in ways your wouldn't even know xx

Divine Tarot Reading Receiver

I have grown more confident I can look deeply at myself in the mirror. I feel freer & lighter than before. I have let tones of baggage go Learned to let go more.

8-month journey through Light and Dark Feminine Journey

I am based in Palmerston North and host private ceremonies within my home and travel NZ.

Follow me on social medias to keep up to do date with all events, online containers, readings + announcements I have 💗

Palmerston North

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